Letter from the President and CEO
According to recent data from Feeding America, 1 in 11 older Americans are food insecure. These are your neighbors who have worked hard, raised families, and helped build our community.
For our older neighbors living on fixed incomes, every day can bring impossible decisions. Should they purchase their lifesaving medications or buy groceries for the week? Should they keep their heat on during cold nights or stock their pantry? No one — especially those who have given so much to our community over the years — should face such choices.

Caring for Our Retired Neighbors
Carl is a retired educator who taught metal fabrication, welding, and economics. He worked with recent high school graduates and young adults, training them for careers in local industry.
Like so many retired neighbors who have worked hard and helped build our communities, his fixed income just doesn’t always stretch far enough to afford the nutritious food he needs. But thanks to donors like you, he’s been able to visit the Lakeshore CAP food pantry in Sturgeon Bay when his budget is stretched to the limit. He’s been coming for about three years now. It helps to supplement his retirement income, along with what he gets from his chickens and his large garden.

Our Volunteers Make All the Difference
Diane and Phil are both retired. They have been volunteering each week at The Salvation Army food pantry in Fond du Lac for about three years, something they get to enjoy doing together.
They were inspired to join the volunteer team by their daughter, who works in The Salvation Army office there.
“She suggested it and said there are some husband-and-wife teams that do it. So we thought that would be a good thing to do on Tuesdays since we’re retired,” Diane says.

One to Five: Deloris' Family Is Grateful
Four. Four more mouths. Four more stomachs that feel the low grumble of hunger. Four young children that Deloris needed to find a way to feed.
Overnight, Deloris went from living alone to a full house. She generously volunteered to care for her four great-grandchildren when their parents hit a rough patch in life.
But feeding a family of five on a tight budget has been a tremendous undertaking. Plus, Deloris is retired; her only steady form of income is the Social Security check she receives each month. Financially, the weight of the world was on her shoulders.