Partnering with UW Provision

Published On: May 17th, 2022Categories: Community Support, Post

Feeding America Eastern Wisconsin doesn’t just provide canned, non-perishable food items to families. The food bank works with a variety of farmers, retailers, and wholesalers to secure truckloads of fresh fruit, vegetables, meat, and dairy products as well.

One of those partners is UW Provision Company, a wholesaler committed to providing its customers with high-quality, inspected food products at competitive prices. Self-proclaimed as the Meat People, UW Provision staff members work with Feeding America Eastern Wisconsin’s Food Resource Team to get the highest quality meat products to pantry partners.

Through the funds provided to Feeding America Eastern Wisconsin by The American Rescue Plan Act, the food bank is able to purchase important staples like turkey at Thanksgiving and ham at Easter time. Chicken, ground beef, tuna, and sausage are other protein-rich meats that come from UW Provision.

“Everyone has to be responsible – a good steward of the money you receive,” says Rob Frye, UW Provision’s Sales Representative. “I am very proud of all the hard work you guys were doing at Feeding America Eastern Wisconsin.”

Rob recalled back to the early season of the pandemic: “It really was a tough time. Covid put a ton of pressure on us. A lot of distributors gave up. UW Provisions felt like we were taking care of the whole United States. We were running 6-8 million pounds of product every week. I was very proud of what we did during the pandemic. We got on the phone, made calls, and got it done.”

Together, we are getting the job done – supporting each other and getting food to families in need. “It’s a crazy world we’re living in, so we all have to take care of each other,” added Rob.

Learn how Feeding America Eastern Wisconsin is partnering with other local businesses to get the job done.