“It’s a BIG Help”

Published On: October 11th, 2023Categories: Post

Jessee and Lydia have had their share of hardship. Jessee suffered a severe back injury recently and has been unable to work for a few months now. He desperately needs back surgery, but without insurance, he hasn’t been able to come up with the funds.

“I can’t get on disability until I have the surgery, and I can’t have surgery without money, so it’s an impossible situation,” he says.

Without an income, Jessee, Lydia, and their two kids lived in a camper for a while until a family member helped them get into a house. But with the ever-increasing cost of groceries and two growing kids to feed, they’ve been having a difficult time making ends meet.

The family does receive FoodShare benefits that help, but they fall far short of what they need to put enough food on the table to last a full month. To fill the gap, they visit FOCUS (Feeding Our Communities with United Services) Pantry in Wisconsin Rapids.

“The pantry helps a great deal, especially for the kids,” he says. “I mean trying to feed them and then worrying about what we’re going to do at the end of the month when the food runs out. It’s a lot.”

That’s why Jessee and Lydia are so grateful for friends like you who give to help them put food on the table for their family.

“We’re so thankful for the people that help out and donate … it’s a big help,” Jessee says.

Your donations to Feeding America Eastern Wisconsin support programs like the FOCUS Pantry and other local partners. Thank you so much for your support! 

This volunteer loves to help!