“It’s a Lifeline”

Published On: January 27th, 2023Categories: Post

“It’s a Lifeline”

Dorothy, 86, has always enjoyed giving her time to help others. In fact, she began volunteering in her new community almost the moment she arrived there six years ago.

She originally relocated to help start a new church, and began volunteering her time at the local food pantry soon after making the move. She understood the importance of keeping her community strong and wanted to do whatever she could to make sure her neighbors had enough nourishing food to eat.

After four years of volunteer work, Dorothy says her retirement income began to run out. She needed to sell her car in order to pay her bills, and then had to make do with limited transportation options. Before long, grocery prices became too expensive for Dorothy’s budget. That’s when Dorothy’s friends began driving her to the pantry so she could pick up groceries for herself.

“It’s a lifeline for me when the community opens their arms like they have,” she says. Even though Dorothy can’t drive to volunteer anymore, she still finds ways to give back to her community. She now walks around her neighborhood to meet up with neighbors and offer any help she can give.

“Every little thing makes a difference,” she says.

Your gifts support the local pantries that make a difference for neighbors facing hunger. Thank you for doing all you can to help!

*Dorothy’s story is representative of the people we serve.

How Partnerships Strengthen Communities