This Is for the Future

Published On: January 31st, 2024Categories: Post

For Cha Cha and Michael, Grand Avenue Club provides an invaluable place of care and belonging. Both live with mental illnesses — Cha Cha has depression and Michael struggles with schizophrenia. But at GAC, they find community, hot meals, activities, and encouragement.

Cha Cha visits multiple times a week and enjoys rec time and eating lunch with the other members. Beyond physical nourishment, GAC nourishes her soul. “It helps me to open my eyes. I did make mistakes in the past, but let the past be the past. This is for the future,” she says of the hope GAC has brought her. “It means to me, take care of yourself. Take care of the members that need help. We have a good meal here. If somebody don’t have any money, we give them a free lunch.”

Michael has attended for 24 years, crediting the supportive environment with helping him secure housing, clothing, and even employment assistance. He relies on disability benefits, so he likes that he can come to GAC for breakfast and lunch most days. He even spends some time in the kitchen, where he’s perfected making eggs, steak, and pork chops. “They’re pretty nice here. They treat me real well, I’ll say that,” he says.

For those struggling with their mental health, Grand Avenue Club offers a welcoming environment and care that they might not get elsewhere. While providing structure and food, it primarily gives members like Cha Cha and Michael the simple yet profound gifts of community and care. And that human connection gives them resilience, recovery, and a sense of belonging.

Your gifts help provide food to Grand Avenue Club so people like Michael and Cha Cha can nourish their bodies and look forward to the future!

READ MORE: Fill up on food and knowledge at Racine County Food Bank!