Cash Over Cans

Published On: January 17th, 2022Categories: Community Support, Post

Most people think about donating to a food bank when they finally decide to clear out the cans in the back of their pantry. But why would someone want what you don’t want? One donated dollar can go a lot farther than one donated can of corn or beans.

Cathy Miles, manager at Peshtigo Food Pantry, explained that the kindness shown through monetary donations truly went a long way.

“We’ve had such generosity from our community. We were recently able to purchase gift certificates so that people could select their own food at the store. For so long, they haven’t had a choice in food. They get what we give them. But we were able to give them two different $50 gift certificates. There were tears of joy and there was such a load taken off so many minds.”

When Spring cleaning rolls around, and you find an extra can of beans in the cupboard, we encourage you to explore an unfamiliar recipe or two. You will end up with a new dish to try, and you can still donate the extra change in your wallet instead.

Watch the video below to learn more about how food banks are able to use cash donations more efficiently.

Hosting a virtual food drive with friends is another alternative! Learn how to here.